Friday, December 18, 2009

2 cor 5:17-19

Hi God ,
I was reading at the verse a few days ago while doing quiet time....remember is a verse i have for Quincey's birthday....(ha, wondering how he was he now happily spending his time with wife, hope he is , may their lives glorify your name)....coming back to what i had learnt from quiet time ....a thot come back to me ....during YMM days ...amongst the last sermon i attend with Quincey is about this too....message of reconcillation.....oh no god what is the matter with me ....enough of Quincey....and just write what have you learnt .....In my life application bible (a gift from my cell-mates , so blessed right ....thank god for frens ) they make a real difference in my life .....Sally....can you go back to main point .....why huh ??Today what happen to you?? the bible is said christians are brand new people on the inside.It requires a new way of looking at all people and all of creation.Does your life reflect this new perspective ??
Year end is coming, and seriously reviewing back on my life for this whole year is indeed a year both of growth (pastor benny thots )and of sacrifice(Cell leader Chris thots).....Well, how should i put it ....guess in my heart i know how this two truths is being so real but i couldn't put it in thots here ....lord you understand right ??hmmm.....does my life reflect this new perspective ....guess i only know that whether the old me doing the thinking or the new sally doing the thinking ....i should put all thots under that of chirst ,our lord ambassador for God am i doing it to reflect that character of reconciliation??
.....Be willing to be part of the solution to those problems and in so doing, share the love of Christ praying this prayer he was also willing to be part of the answer to that prayer if God would so choose to use him.....i dun know where did i manage to copy the above from....but guess i want to learn from him....willing to be part of the answer to that prayer if God would so choose to use me ....Amen! Good night , God ....may i have a wonderful coming weekend....thank you lord....Love you, Sally

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